Trusted Professionals

With over 200 years of combined experience, we are dedicated to curating the most skilled and experienced personnel from around the world.

Company History

Construction of the factory began in 2015 and its first containers where exported in 2017. While primarily designed to serve markets in Canada and the United States, CFC has the distinct honour of helping to establish Cambodia’s domestic market for fireworks.

Factory Details

The factory is located on more than 200 acres of land, nestled amongst the mango orchards and sugar cane fields of Kampong Speu province. Just off National Road 4, the factory is strategically positioned, giving us easy access to Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville Autonomous Port. The company is equipped with a high level of automation and consists of over 200 structures, capable of producing a full range of fireworks, as well as black powder production and pyrotechnic fuse.